Hi there and welcome to my home page!  It is here that I hope you will learn a little more about me; my likes, interests hobbies and perversions.

So lets get the number crunching done and introduce you to the basics statistics and hence getting the boring bits out of the way initially:


NAME:                           PAUL L. BOOTHEY    (don't even go there about the middle name unless you're                   a                                                                     really good friend)

DOB:                    10th October 1965 yes that does make me a Libran, and a very typical one at that.

ADDRESS:                Surry Hills  Sydney     Currently but will be returning back to Melbourne in the next few
                                          months, seems like I have been converted to a Melbourne man.

HEIGHT:                 175cm

WEIGHT:                 61.5KG

NATIONALITY:                  Australian        7th generation to be exact, born and bred in rural NSW, may
                                                explain that wildness in my heart ( and as a result  some of my                                        weaknesses and excesses at times)

WORK:                   QANTAS Call Centre Management

Well what about a little of my history then, and i will apologize for all the boring bits, yes I am afraid there were a few of them in my life .

I was born and raised in rural NSW, in a small farming town called Coolamon, total population of approximately 1100 people. The eldest son of Neil and Beverly Boothey, three other siblings were to follow two brothers Scott and Marc and a sister, Suzy. With a five year spread between us, we managed to cover most of the extremes of a "normal family".

My father came from a farming background while my mother was from Wagga, a 40km drive south of Coolamon.  As my grandparents owned their own farm 5kms outside the township, a lot of my youth was spent there helping out.  So shockingly as it may seem I have been involved in some very manual labor around the farm, both helping with the raising of sheep and wheat growing.

Academically I attended Coolamon Central School till the completion of my School Certificate and then traveled daily to Wagga Wagga to finish my Higher School certificate in 1983.  Amazing when we look back now but school was generally a good and easy time for me, I found academic challenges an easy task, and early on did enjoy some athletic achievements;
but soon lost a lot of interest in that.

After completing my general schooling I then left and became a member of the greater workforce.  All intentions of a career in Teaching were extinguished after 13 years of schooling so I fell into an Clerical position working full time at the Riverina College of Advanced Education, in Wagga and studying part time for a double major in Bachelor of Business
Accountancy and Computing.

Four years I work at the College as it changed and evolved into the Riverina Murray Institute of Higher Education, within various Clerical roles there.  Encouraged by family friends I then was successful in obtaining another job in the Hospitality Industry as a Trainee Manager in the Narranderra Ex-Servicemen's Club. For a year I traveled daily 200kms there
and back to work a little tiring for me and my lifestyle; which prompted me to get another position a little closer to home, so back to Wagga it was and into the Commercial Club as another Trainee Manager there. During all this time still continuing part-time with my Degree.

Well after a few interesting turns and events in my life it was time to abandon this more relax lifestyle and head to the city to lay the real roots of my life ( pun not intended but oh so true )!

Moving to Sydney was a large venture for at that stage a reasonably innocent ( yes I once was ) country boy, not knowing anyone or even his way about the big smoke.  But the adaptive creature that I was I soon had gainful employment working for a Merchant Bank, First Chicago Australia Ltd., in Sydney for 5 years initially in a Clerical role and then helping
in their Computer Systems area.  Setting myself up initially in Kingsford the lure of the ocean tempted me to move to Coogee where I lived with my second partner for a few years.

Growing bored and unchallenged in the bank at 27 I felt it was time to take the great adventure of traveling overseas, so I resigned from my position and headed to the U.S. of A, or more specifically San Francisco and Los Angeles.  Well this was another one of the biggest turning points in my life not only was I in a foreign country but I was traveling alone, so I really had to learn and develop a lot more confidence in my own abilities and communication skills.  Really enjoying San Francisco I was a little disappointed with my time in Los Angeles, but the bug had bitten and the thrill of traveling and experience new horizons had developed.

Returning home career less, and moving to Darlinghurst with my ex and his new partner, once again I stumbled into my next career option.  My current flat mate needed some assistance in the Clothing shop; Aussie Boys, that he was working in, so some temporary fill in work lead to my employment as their Accounts Manager and then eventually to their ??????????????.  This basically gave me a much greater exposure to Oxford Street and its culture. In a short time I had managed to develop even more confidence in my abilities and developed a much broader and diverse friendship base.

As you could imagine Sydney was an interesting time in my life, the bar and club scene were booming and the party scene had escalated at one stage to at least one or two dance parties every weekend.  Mardi Gras and Sleaze Balls were certainly an eye opener and of course getting involved more so into the scene meant keeping up with the outrageous outfits and themes of this time.  Actually it is all a little scary looking back now at some of those outfits that I wore, thankfully my tastes have matured and ventured into a more suitable direction for me.

Towards the end of my tenure at Aussie Boys I decided it was time to travel again so finally I headed off to do a bit of a round the world journey.  As I had a friend living in London who had invited me to stay for awhile with him, I initially traveled to San Francisco for a few days, and then continued on to London.  It was here in London that one of the later
changes to my life and tastes was established; a great fascination and enjoyment of the leather scene.  Quite funny actually when I remember my initial younger exposure to that environment and complete lack of interest and discomfort with it.  I suppose that perverted side of me had always existed to a degree in my excesses but experiences there in London and also
a quick excursion to Amsterdam on the same trip helped me appreciate and awaken some more of my more extreme desires which have strengthened, developed and grown over the following years.  A quick stopover on my return in Los Angeles and San Diego, saw my return back to Sydney with a desire for more changes and challenges in my life.

No longer challenged with my current job I began searching for new options, which was rewarded by a position within Qantas' Call Centre in Sydney.  For four years I was lucky enough to have the right skills, drive and enthusiasm to be transferred into a number of differing positions within the Telephone Sales environment, achieving a Supervisory role after only 3 years. Not only did this industry offer me great rewards and benefits in the workplace but the ability to travel was something else greatly appreciated, and strangely enough underused initially.

Late 1999 was the.......



To be continued


This site was last updated 09/18/03